Alberta drivers may have their drivers’ licences suspended for liquor-related violations, accumulation of demerit points, or due to administrative suspensions.
In all cases the suspended driver will be given reinstatement conditions. These conditions must be met before the driver’s licence can be reinstated.
Persons convicted of violations under the Criminal Code of Canada, the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act, or the Traffic Safety Act, involving the operation or control of a motor vehicle may be suspended or disqualified from driving in accordance with limits stated in the Traffic Safety Act.
It is unlawful to be in possession of an operator’s licence while it is suspended or disqualified. It is a serious offence to drive while unauthorized, punishable by law. Drivers stopped by a peace officer and found to have their operator’s licence suspended will have the vehicle they were driving seized and impounded for a period of 30 days. If the vehicle seizure involves the same suspended driver and owner within a three-year window, the seizure period is 60 days. Only individuals who are in possession of a full, non-GDL driver’s licence can apply for a restricted drivers licence due to a demerit suspension.
For further details, call the Driver Fitness and Monitoring Branch, toll-free from anywhere in Alberta, at 310-0000 or at 780-427-8230 in Edmonton.
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